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"The Need To Help Educate!"

We opened in the middle of the pandemic to help families and children with continuing education because families in our area were struggling with students’ online learning. Research indicated that the virtual world was horrible for our students and children of all ages here in Mississippi and across the country. Level Up Learning Center and Level Up Learning Academy provided a safe space for children ages 8 weeks and beyond. Many of our families could not afford private school tuition and childcare facilities were closing across the country. To help us break the cycle of intergenerational poverty and to get back to the basics of educating all students in his/her least restrictive environments, being community led, and focusing on family, children, and youth, we understand that students are more than test score numbers. All children should have access to a high quality education where parents are aware of their child’s skills and objectives. The ultimate goal is to educate the “whole child.” As a collaborative team, we created a safe clean space in the midst of COVID ’19. We provided a safe and conducive learning environment where we educated children and built up parents’ capacities to help families thrive in school, work, and life. We are humble servants here in the Heart of The Delta and we will continue to do the work of our Lord and Savior to educate others by providing a Christian Worldview for families and children of all ages, so that they can thrive and excel in this world.

Partner with us to help "level up" a child's learning with quality services offered throughout the year and opportunities to experience a supportive and nurturing educational environment that your family will benefit from on various levels.


Greatness in the making, learning at its best!
Teamwork, positive spirits, and engagement in growth and development among staff.


Hours of Operation

Full-Time Hours: 7:00a.m.-7:00p.m.
(Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks Included)

Part-Time Hours: 7:00a.m.-1:00p.m.
(Breakfast, Lunch, and Snacks Included)
Part-Time Hours: 1:00p.m.-7:00p.m.
(Snacks and Dinner Included)

Quality and Passionate About Learning!

Level-Up Learning Center

We are a Non-Profit Corporation dedicated to educating the whole child. Our employees are trained to provide a high quality academic and social educational environment for infants 8 weeks and older.

Level-Up Learning Center, a Non-Profit Corporation, dedicated to educating the whole child.

Level Up Learning Academy is our Christian School. Our curriculum is Abeka and is used to teach a Christian Worldview. Our employees are trained and certified to provide a high quality academic and social educational environment for infants 8 weeks and older.

Level Up Learning Academy's Philosophy and Mission Statement

We are dedicated to nurturing the hearts, minds, and spirits of our students through the integration of traditional Biblical values and foundational educational skills. Our mission is to empower students to engage the world with wisdom, compassion, and a Christian worldview.

Frequently Asked Questions

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it." ~Proverbs 22:6

Frequently Asked Questions

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it." ~Proverbs 22:6

Meet Our Leadership Team

Dr. Kaysie S. Burton, Chief Executive Officer and Mississippi Level-Up Learning Center Partnership Director

Dr. K. Burton, Chief Operating Officer with 20 years of experience, has collaborated with educators and institutions of higher learning to help grow and sustain a comprehensive reading program to ensure participants gain the knowledge, skills, and dispositions essential for effectively teaching P-12 students the literacy skills necessary for a productive life. Varied theoretical underpinnings, research-based methods, and national standards, which include but are not limited to, Barksdale Reading Institute, National Institute of School Leadership, the National Reading Panel and Common Core Standards, serve as guidelines for the professional knowledge and pedagogical knowledge taught throughout each subject.

Dr. Monica M. Shaw

Chief Financial Officer and Tennessee Level-Up Learning Center Partnership Director/Director of Special Services/Floater

Dr. M. Shaw, Chief Financial Officer, with 18 years of experience in public education, has experience with students in grades pre-K through 12th. Dr. Shaw willingly accepts challenges as opportunities of growth. By targeting students' varying competencies and skills, Dr. Shaw believes in providing students with a variety of learning experiences to effectively enhance their level of understanding.

Ms. Tonya Blunt

Human Resource Director/Business Manager/Floater

Ms. T. Blunt has a passion to keep things balanced. By maintaining order, she believes that students will have a better opportunity to focus and excel. With a Bachelor of Science In Organizational Leadership, and an emphasis in Project Management, she has a firm belief that all students can be successful beyond their wildest dreams. With 30 years of experience as a Paralegal and Contract Specialist, Ms. T. Blunt will help structure the learning environment in unimaginable ways.

Ms. Adrienne Walker

Level Up Learning Center's Chief Operating Officer/Early Childcare Educator

Ms. Adrienne Walker wears many hats at Level Up! She is an Instructional Caretaker/Director/Chief Operating Officer, and Early Childcare Educator. She is dedicated, honest, and loyal. She has a passion for nurturing children. She has numerous years of experience in providing high quality care and education to kids of all ages. She values the opportunity to help children learn key skills and concepts everyday that will help them to become productive citizens as they journey through their everyday life. Certified in CPR, first aid, Child Development, and Childcare Regulations, she has a desire to further her educational studies by obtaining a degree in Early Childcare from Mississippi Valley State University. She believes that “Being a positive role model is a truly rewarding experience when teaching children and watching them grow into exceptional individuals drives her passion to educate!”

Ms. Brenda C. Shorter

Director of Nutrition and Food Program/Elementary Educator/Assistant Chief Operating Officer

With over 15 years of early childcare experiences, Ms. Shorter has a passion for providing all children with the nutrition they need to thrive and develop. She ensures that our facilities provide CACFP appropriate menus, meal patterns, nutritional snacks, and creditable meals that meet all USDA Food Regulations and Guidelines. Ms. Shorter provides Admin Support and serves in multiple capacities. She provides instruction and guidance to families that are in need of additional supports outside of the classroom settings. Her dedication to Level Up programs "feeds the fuel to help drive the need to help educate learners and families in the Mississippi Delta."

Ms. Kimberly F. Brown

Georgia Level-Up Learning Corporation Partnership Director

Ms. K. Brown graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and specializes in the Multi-Media Department. Ms. Brown has also obtained an Associates of Arts in Social Work where she developed the phrase, "Live as if you were die tomorrow, and learn as if you were to live forever." With 12 years of law enforcement experience, she has a strong belief that education is the passport to the future. Ms. Brown will ensure that all centers are equipped with latest security systems and technology.

Mr. Kwame Malik Barnes

Athletic Director/Chief Operating Officer/Educator

Mr. Kwame Barnes serves as the Athletic Director, Chief Operating Officer for Level Up Learning Academy, and Educator. He has many talents and is recognized for his leadership and dedication to improving educational outcomes for students. With over 28 years of educating children, Mr. Barnes has focused on fostering a positive learning environment, supporting teachers, and implementing programs aimed at enhancing student achievement. His work reflects a commitment to educational excellence and community engagement, helping to shape the future of young learners in Greenville. "Working with children has been a joy for the past 28 years and I am grateful!"

Ms. Shundra Craig

Assistant Chief Operating Officer/Elementary Educator

Ms. Shundra Craig has been in the early childcare field since 2019. She has experience working with pediatric children and she is known for her leadership in our programs. Ms. Craig's commitment to improving student outcomes and fostering a positive school environment drives her passion to help educate. Under her leadership, her students have shown growth and are currently working on state standards and objectives that will enhance their academic performances. Ms. Craig supports teachers and engages with the community in different settings. Craig's efforts are centered around creating opportunities for students to succeed and preparing them for future challenges. Her role in the education sector highlights her dedication to making a positive impact on the lives of young people in Greenville.

As a positive role model and well-rounded educator, I have had the opportunity to teach a diverse group of students including those who perform below, at, and above grade level in all grade levels. By achieving several degrees and earning National Board Certification, I have solid in-depth knowledge regarding effective teaching methods that help me provide differentiated instruction to meet students' and adults' unique needs. I encourage student learning by making sure that learning experiences are authentic and student centered. I also incorporate a variety of learning centers, various forms of technology, and multiple ways to ensure that all students are successful on various levels. 

Level-Up Learning Center will provide a safe, fun, nurturing environment that fosters opportunities which will enrich all children cognitive levels, academic, and social readiness. This learning environment will also provide authentic educational and social programs that will help develop the whole child.
                                                                                                   ~KSB, Ed.D., NBCT